School Dreams and Wish

Each year we want to improve in our EQAO scores. Each year we have. Pinecrest earned the distinction of one of the top five schools in improvement in the area.

  • Formal report cards are distributed twice a year
  • A range of classroom assessments are used including portfolios, rubrics, cooperative learning, peer and self- assessment
  • Diagnostic data is compiled electronically and on a data wall for discussions and sharing of strategies between divisions of student’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Participation in the provincial EQAO testing. Results from these assessments help us to build programs around student needs

School Planning and Smart Goals

The staff at Pinecrest believes that our students are capable of achieving better results on standardized tests. To that end:

Pinecrest Teachers are getting the best training available in the world in Balanced Literacy and Numeracy. In the area of language, we focus on our students’ abilities to write and read well for different purposes. As well, Pinecrest has instituted Balanced Literacy. In all three divisions, our Student Services Team supports programming that responds to the needs of all different types of learners in this area. We work with our professionals in the school board which includes our literacy coaches, school psychologist and social worker to support the educational and emotional needs of our students.

Other Initiatives

Pinecrest is actively involved in building a network of community support based on partnerships with local businesses and clubs. To date, Pinecrest has been blessed with a number of active community partners.

Our school will have, as of this year a Snack Program in the first break of the day where all students will get a healthy snack to begin their educational day.

We have a focused student intervention program led by our Pinecrest Success Room Team. Students are able to rely upon this team for social and emotional support as they meet their educational goals. One of the foundations for this program is the use of technology with counseling where the objective is to create a framework for students to be successful in their classes and in the school. Built into the fabric of this PSR are efforts to address bullying in our school community.

  • They include: Chapters/Indigo, Lee Valley Tools, IKEA, OCRI, The Community Foundation, The Ministry of Education (Turnaround Project), the Recreation Department of the City of Ottawa.
  • Our efforts are focused on the promotion and support of Balanced Literacy and Numeracy across all divisions.
  • Together, we are creating a literacy rich school, a new two new Book Rooms and a revitalized school library.
  • As well, we support student learning through the creation of a systematic professional development program to promote best teaching practices.
  • Wonderful links exist between Pinecrest and the Ottawa Boys’ and Girls’ Club and the Recreation Department of the City of Ottawa.
  • Ottawa Reads early literacy initiative with staff from Lee Valley Tools supporting Pinecrest students.
  • Creation of an Intermediate student yearbook club to desktop publish our School Yearbook.
  • The Welcome to Kindergarten Program was a huge success this year.